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What I learned from vision board

Excerpt from November 2019 give glow newsletter

WHAT KIND OF BOARD IS IT? In a recent book club discussion, we talked about what success looks like for each of us. Most agreed that definition of success is not about how much money we make, but what we envision as our best lives. The idea of defining our best lives led to the idea of creating vision boards, which led to the vision board making exercise at this Sunday’s potluck. Ever since we decided to host a vision board session, I experienced a series of personal inquiry about the idea of vision board and how it relates to the way I look at life. VISION BOARD Is vision board a good thing? Does it subconsciously reinforce the idea that my life will be ideal if only ____? And that I will be happy when I get ______? GRATITUDE BOARD Would it be more helpful to have a gratitude board instead of a vision board? Would filling a board with what I am already grateful for be better than putting my desires for more, or for different, in the future? How would looking at a gratitude board vs. a vision board change my mindset? VISION + GRATITUDE BOARD What if my vision board include what I am grateful for PLUS the possibilities I see for myself? What if it reflects my GLOW but make it even brighter? Can I use the board to crystallize what puts me in flow? CREATIVE VISUALIZATION BOARD What if it’s just a board where I let my creative energy express itself? What would happen if I remove all my judgment and limitations on what kind of board it should be? Can I move forward without my knowing? BOARD That’s it. It’s a board. Period. Full stop. No more questions. No more thinking. This train of thoughts on what a board means to me mirrors how I ramble on with thoughts about life. Vision board means x and gratitude board means y. I spend so much time and energy getting caught up in my thoughts, constantly trying to control and create my life. Life is more magical when I let go of “I need to know/figure out _______.” True insights that shift our lives for the better typically come from empty mind without our self-imposed thoughts. Life changing insights show up when we least expect, when we are not consumed with intellectual thinking. Let go of thinking and fall in love with uncertainty. Love, Jennie

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