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Appreciate what is

Excerpt from March 2019 give glow newsletter

YEAH!!! Spring is almost here. I am excited for Spring, and at the same time, trying not to feel too enthusiastic. If you wonder why I am trying to manage my enthusiasm, read on... I just visited Los Angeles this past week and find myself sitting next to an open window by the blooming pink magnolias, absorbing the sunshine and warmth against my skin. I closed my eyes, taking it all in, feeling joyful and grateful. Soon enough, the sunshine disappeared behind a passing cloud. I find myself feeling disappointed and slightly annoyed, especially when I feel a chill from the cold breeze. I thought about leaving my position at the window, but told myself to be equanimous and stay put. Soon enough, the sunshine returned. I am once again happy. After a few moments, I realize my face is beginning to burn. How ironic is it that the sunshine I found so comforting is now hurting me.

The more enthusiastic I feel about spring, the more miserable I feel about Winter. The fact is weather conditions are temporary - warm weather inevitably goes away, and then I'm back to dreading the cold. In addition, without experiencing the cold of winter, I won't appreciate the arrival of spring. My personal inquiries are: Can I be grateful and enjoy the cold and cloudy winter in Seattle? Can I be present and happy with what is, instead of hoping for something different than what is? Similarly, I caught a cold right before leaving for a conference in San Francisco last week. I had been looking forward to attending this conference for the past 6 months, but end up spending 90% of my time sneezing and coughing in bed in my hotel room. Can I be as thankful and joyful when I have to miss out on something I was excited about? Can I see the illness as happening FOR me, instead of happening TO me? I hope my recent encounters inspires you to consider: What is something inconvenient in your life that you can re-frame as a blessing? Love, Jennie

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