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The Panther

Step forward.

Don't tell me you are tired,

Don't tell me it's too dark,

Don't tell me the moonlight doesn't light your path,

Step forward.

You may feel the trembling of the ground underneath you,

You may hear foxes rumbling to ambush you,

Rocks may be thrown at you,

You may get knocked down;

But every time you fall to the ground,

A valuable lesson is gained,

Your muscle to get up get trained,

Easier each time to get back on your way.

So step forward, my frightened kitten -

You will soon become a powerful Panther.

The world awaits the Panther in you.

When you are a Panther,

The world will meet you with the role you are meant to fill,

The purpose you are born to fulfill.

Step forward.

One step closer to where you are meant to be,

Every challenge a step closer for you to see,

The gifts of becoming the Panther you have always imagined yourself to be.

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